Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dr Catharine Jawahar joins Adelaide university Australia

Dr Catherine Jawahar daughter of V S Jawahar, ex Sargeant Indian Air Force, presently works at CLRI-CSIR, Guindy and late Philo Jawahar after receving her convocation as Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Melbourne, Australia, has been placed as Reserach Officer at the University of Adelaide, Australia. She is the grand daughter of Mary Swaminathan on the father's side and Late David Dorairaj on the mother's side.

Both Mary Swaminathan and late David Dorairaj are the children of Thaveethu, son of Samuel son of Jacob the grand old man and founder of Nanchankulam Villlage Nellai Dist. Thaveethu was known as Vaadhyaar - teacher and he was employed at the Penang Free School, Pulao Penang, Federation of Malaya prior to independence of India in 1947. The great grand daughter has once again landed in a foreign university as a teaher in the foot steps of the great grand father.

Dr Catharine Jawahar we wish to congratulate you and wish all the best. May Lord Jesus Mary and Joseph with you and bless all your hand work. The extended family of Jacobsons of Nanchankulam Village is jubilant on your new assignment.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011



Another senior member from Naanjai Jacobsons Family, Nanchankulam Nellai Dist, Theresa Rajan passed away on the 29th Sept 2011 at Mumbai and was buried there. She was the sister of Mary Cursa Isaac who passed away in June this year at Madurai and intered along with her husband Isaac who was son of Thaveethu son of Samuel son of Jacob the grand old man who founded the village Nanchankulam. Theresa was married to Rajan of Kunnamkulam who worked in the railway in Mumbai and he had passed away in 2007. She is survived by her sons Cecil Raj who is employed in the railways and Simon. May the souls of Rajan and Theresa rest in peace. Grant them O Lord eternal Peace and let your eternal life shine upon them. We thank the Lord for having gifted to the Naanjai Jacob sons family. We shall meet on the beautiful shore is our christian faith where we shall see them as they were.

Cecil Raj 9969832227

Simon 9324411081